1.200 pairs/hour
LOADING: 2 operators can load up to 1.200 pairs of socks per hour.
AUTOCLAVE:0,5 second process time at top speed gives the perfect quality specially for sport socks, invisable socks and others. Only 11 kg steam consumption in the autoclave!
New, simple and rapid autoclave provides to run the machine at higher speed. Therefore SOCKSPEED achieves 1.200 pairs per hour capacity easily.
DRYING:Powerfull dryer has improved air circulation by reducing the steam consumption. It consumed only 13 kg steam per hour!
STRIPPING:Two options to strip the socks from forms:
- Belt type autostripper
- Gripper type autostripper
* Lowest steam consumption (24 kg/h)
* Lowest electric consumption (1,2 kw/h)
* Maximum production performance (1200 pairs/h)
* Cheapest price at this segment (steam process)
* Longest life time as a HELIOT production